Are you feeling guilty for not being able to take care of yourself more because of work? It might be understandable that we feel sluggish after our 9 to 5 routine in a five-day week. There is nothing you wanted to do but let yourself gravitate to your bed and slack off. However, there comes a day you cannot help but wonder if you can actually maintain healthy habits given the time limits to focus on yourself.
On this special occasion, we dedicate this post to celebrating healthy lifestyle awareness day on February 16. Puri Medical Clinic in Bali has sifted out 10 ways to help you reclaim your willpower. You can start small in creating a healthy lifestyle. We hope once you get the hang of these 10 ways, you can be inspired to keep these habits a full-time commitment.
#1 Exercising healthy habits begin with monitoring your sleep schedule
Your age determines how long you are required to have a better sleep each day. However, people in the productive age range of 18-64 often let themselves in sleep deprivation. In fact they should have 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Sleeping is a method your body uses to detox and generate new cells. When you mess up your circadian rhythm, you risk harming your organs and your overall health. The sad part is, instead of developing a better sleep arrangement after clocking out, people use the rest of their time too occupied with their phones.
Developing a healthy lifestyle is indeed hard. Especially for those who are used to sleeping late. Therefore, try to put a limit on the use of your phone. If you found it hard to sleep, trigger your drowsiness by setting your lamp in a dimmed mode. Or you can also turn it off.
#2 Don’t overlook the importance of breakfast
It is not surprising that many breadwinners forget their breakfast since they need to arrive on time at work. The situation that often happens is that they simply wake up late so they need to rush. However, having a peaceful morning is not impossible. By monitoring your sleeping requirements, you will feel much more energized the next day. Moreover, you will allow yourself more time in the morning to do light productive activities such as tidying up your bed and making yourself a nice plate of breakfast. When your belly is satisfied with a nice breakfast, your energy will pump up. And of course, there is no more voracious hunger that keeps you disturbed during working.
#3 Stay away from hydration to start healthy habits
It is common knowledge that 60% of our body is composed of water. Considering this amount, we figure you understood why sometimes it is better to be hungry rather than to be at an intense thirst. You might have heard the water recommendation of 8 glasses per day. Although this might sound like an acceptable goal, some people might want to have fewer glasses depending upon their activity, health, weather, and other specific conditions. To achieve this goal, you can keep a Tumblr with a big capacity to store water. Set daily water reminders every 30 minutes. Never hold your bladder, ever.
#4 Stretching for better health
It is vital for you to do frequent stretching especially when you have to sit long hours on a daily basis. Range of motion in stretching requires less effort yet it helps your body to reduce backache and improve blood circulation. Even if you have a few minutes, try to put more attention to your body and relax its stiffness with gentle, varied stretching movements.
#5 Rest your eyes from the screen with these simple exercises
We put a lot of burden on our eyes by facing the screen every day. In the long run, your vision can get blurry and as a result, it is becoming too difficult for you to concentrate. Before your eyesight gets worse, practice these simple eye exercises to enhance your eye muscles. Steady your head and look up, down, right, and left multiple times. Then put your thumbs; one before your face, the other one more distant. Move your gaze between the near thumb and the one farther away for a few seconds. You can also spot other things that are even more distant in your room.
#6 Arrange for your dental checkup every 6 months
Brushing and flossing are great, but there are things in your teeth that are hard to cleanse out of a simple dental routine. Tartar buildup is best to get rid of through a regular dental checkup that you can perform twice per year. A dental checkup usually includes the examination process of your entire teeth and gum health to prevent oral diseases. Then it will be carried on with the cleaning process. See more reasons why you want to put a dental checkup on your list of ways to start a healthy lifestyle below.
Related article: How Dental Health Affects Overall Health
Our dental clinic in Bali provides a broad range of dental treatments from a regular check up dentist to cosmetic dentistry. Inquire our services at +(62)85-100-103-103 or +(62)-823-4085-0485.
#7 Have more fruits and vegetables
As much as you love your junk fruits, there are tons of benefits you can get from consuming more fruits and vegetables. They contain the nutrients your body needs to give its best performance. They are also rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and many more that can boost your immunity and digestive system. Fruits are delicious to enjoy raw and you can even blend them in form of juice or smoothie if you like.
#8 Start healthy habits by avoid smoking
We could not stress enough that smoking has a detrimental impact on your body. We are aware of how extremely hard it is to terminate your nicotine addiction and recover your lungs from the serious side impact of the tobacco smoke filling them. While active smoking is already a problem and is responsible for millions of deaths every year, passive smoking is also essential to take into consideration. Second-hand smoke is a public threat faced worldwide. The ignorance of people burning their cigarettes close to non-smokers needs to be stopped. They have put innocent people at numerous health risks.
#9 Be Mindful of Your Stress and Move on
Encountering stress is humane. There is nothing shameful about it. We simply have bad days and they are out of our control. However, what we can clearly manage are our reactions and how we can overcome the problems in all aspects of our life.
One thing that matters is we strive every day to be better at handling the unexpected things in life that are not always pretty. Pull out your courage to take a deep breath, face the climbs one by one, be wise about them, and move on. You are allowed to be extra conscious over something and it is healthy since you are reminded how important this issue is and you need to act on it as soon as possible. What is not healthy is stressing over it and overthinking the issue into something worse when it might not have come that way.
#10 Wake up early, go outside and have a fresh breather
Wouldn’t it be better if you welcome the sunshine first rather than waking up to searching for your phone at the very beginning of the day? Yes, we are talking about opening your curtain, tidying up your bed, then walking out of your bedroom to see the outside view. Nothing beats the fresh air and the refreshing sunlight you can only benefit from below 8 am.
2022 Is All about Introducing Small Steps to Healthy Habits for a Healthier You
We hope you found this reading helpful to reinforce your energy in creating healthy habits through making trivial activities work. Visit our blog section for more tips by Puri Medical Clinic in Bali such as vacation benefits for your health, and common illnesses encountered by kids like a febrile seizure.