On May 17, 2022, President Joko Widodo made an official announcement that the government has relaxed the mask mandate policy that has been in place since 2020. This was a historic day because, for the first time in the past two years, people are finally allowed to not wear any masks outdoors, as long as…

This is the story of Budi, your average guy living his normal happy life. Budi has a nice home and a good job, and he really likes to party on the weekend. However, on one unfortunate weekend, he fell ill after his usual visit to a particularly crowded pub. His fever soon become worrying and…

Have you taken your second dosage of primary COVID-19? Are you unsure whether you should take the third dose of booster vaccine? Well, worry no more, because Puri Medical Clinic Bali is here to cover that topic for your in this following post. So, read along and let us find how three reasons why you…

Did you know that 95% of people suffering hepatitis globally are unaware that they even have the disease? This is because in most cases people don’t show symptoms of hepatitis and, when symptoms do show, people often mistook its symptoms as common diseases until it’s too late. This is the reason why hepatitis is also…