CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a life-saving technique used in cases of cardiac arrest. When performed correctly, it can restore a normal heartbeat and help save a person’s life. Knowing how to perform CPR is a crucial skill and can greatly increase the chances of survival during a medical emergency.

CPR is a simple procedure that consists of chest compressions and rescue breaths.

What are the Steps of CPR for Adults?

When performing CPR, the goal is to keep the victim’s blood circulating until medical help arrives. The steps of CPR for adults are as follows:

  • Lay the victim down on a hard, flat surface and kneel beside the victim’s neck and shoulders.
  • Place one palm of your hand in the center of the patient’s chest, right between the breasts.
  • Position your other hand on top of the first hand. Make sure your elbows are straight and your shoulders are directly above your hands.
  • Press the victim’s chest at least 100–120 times per minute, at a rate of 1–2 compressions per second.
  • When pressing, use upper body strength. Don’t just rely on arm strength so that the resulting pressure is stronger

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Stage of opening the airways

To open the victim’s airway, you can try to tilt his head, then place your hand on his forehead. Next, slowly lift the patient’s chin to open the airway.

Stage of giving respiration from mouth to mouth (breathing)

How to give respiration is as follows:

  • Pinch the victim’s nose and place your mouth over his.
  • Give breath or air from your mouth 2 times while seeing if the chest rises like someone breathing or not. If not, try to improve the position of his neck or check again if there is an obstruction in his airway.
  • Repeat the chest compression process 30 times, followed by 2 rescue breaths.

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How to do CPR on Children?

Performing CPR on children is nearly identical to giving CPR to adults, specifically 30 chest compressions followed by 2 breaths.

The difference is that while adults compress 5-6 cm deeper, children compress with just 5 cm of pressure.

If the child reacts to breathing, simply stop CPR and continue with recovery, which includes turning the child on his or her side and monitoring the child’s breathing.

It is important to note that if you are not trained in CPR, you should not attempt it. If possible, go get help from a healthcare professional.

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