Recently, the world of social media was in an uproar by the tacky actions of a group of foreigners in Bali. A video uploaded on Instagram shows a group of foreign tourists partying at a place in Bali. They ignored the advice to stay home and instead gathered to do something risky during the COVID-19 in Bali pandemic.
The video that appeared to have been taken during the event instantly sparked outrage from the locals. The action of foreign travellers is an act of dishonourable and dangerous. No one knows some of them might be exposed to Coronavirus and transmit COVID-19 to others.
The video shows that there were at least a dozen people gathered in the swimming pool area, where a bartender did the action to mix liquor to hydrate everyone. At the same time, a DJ pumped beats to invite them to sway to enjoy the strains of EDM music.
Several social media accounts commenting on the video reported that the party took place in Canggu. Netizens suspect that the foreign travellers are not comfortable staying at home and don’t care anymore if they might be exposed to COVID-19 in Bali.
It’s not against any law to have a party, but seeing the current condition of COVID-19 in Bali, gathering in a crowded place is an activity that is about to spread Coronavirus.
As a result, those who join the party may not show symptoms but can be carriers who transmit the virus to other people they meet. Worse yet, as far as that was shown on the tape, none of them wore face masks. So, the risk of exposure to the virus is higher for them.
Meanwhile, Bali has so far confirmed it has 81 cases of COVID-19 in Bali, where the patients who died because COVID-19 in Bali were two citizens from a foreign country.
According to this data, people are indeed outraged to see the video and took to social media to express their frustration.
Stay Home, Stay Safe And Stop The Spread of COVID-19
Applying Social Distance
The Indonesian Immigration Agency has approved an emergency residence permit to 3,500 foreign nationals who cannot return to their country because of COVID-19. Most of them live in Bali. Even so, international travellers should still abide by Indonesian government rules and maintain social distance to stay safe. This is because the COVID-19 transmission in Indonesia is mostly from foreigners, or people who have just come from another country.
No Lockdown Yet
Indonesian President, Joko Widodo chose not to impose national lockdowns but asked the public, including foreign travellers, to stay at home or where they live now.
This step must be obeyed to suppress the spread of COVID-19 and end this Pandemic. The Indonesian Ministry of Health states that the country only has 321,544 hospital beds. With more than 260 million inhabitants, that means there are only about 12 beds per 10,000 people. 2017 WHO study found that health facilities in Indonesia were far from the ready category. Indonesia alone has four doctors per 10 patients.
Besides, Indonesia has a high COVID-19 mortality rate in the world, which is 8.8 per cent. Experts assume there maybe thousands of cases of COVID-19 that have not been detected in this country.
Protect Yourself and Your Family
Facing the severe condition of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is strongly recommended that you implement the following necessary protective measures against this virus, as approved by the World Health Organization:
Wash your hands often; clean your hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds. You can also use hand sanitizers that contain alcohol.
Your hands can be affixed with a virus, washing your hands with soap makes the virus in your hand’s decay.
Don’t panic; manage your mentality to stay calm. Panic will only trigger stress in yourself, which ultimately decreases your body’s endurance.
Eat nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruit. Minerals in fruits and vegetables keep the body fit and enhance your body’s immunity.
Clean your house with disinfecting liquid. The disinfectant liquid containing chlorine is quite effective in killing germs, bacteria and viruses that stick to the surface of objects. Spray the liquid on vehicles, furniture, door handles, and any surface that others may touch.
The Symptoms
Here are the most common symptoms of COVID-19:
Continuous cough or high body temperature.
Some people, the symptoms have shown are quite mild.
Having a cold and runny nose.
In severe stages, people with COVID-19 infection will have difficulty breathing.
What do you do if you feel you have coronavirus symptoms?
Don’t go to the doctor or hospital; You only need to contact an authorized medical person or hospital.
They will pick you up to check your medical condition.
Stay at home and isolate yourself. You will probably heal by yourself if your immune system is excellent.
Ask your relatives to monitor the development of your body condition through telephone connections. If it gets worse, your relatives will inform the medical authorities.