On every tour, we don’t forget to try various culinary and special foods from the areas we visit. Culinary tourism visits in Indonesia consist of various types of dishes that are rich in spices and seasonings that are very delicious for some circles. In enjoying dishes that we have never eaten before, our bodies are in the process of adapting to dishes in the local area. But what if our stomachs don’t match the food conditions in Indonesia, especially in Bali? Check out the following article.
What is Bali Belly?
Literally, Bali’s belly comes from English, which means Balinese belly. This term itself is often used to describe the symptoms of food poisoning, which are generally characterized by symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting. Sometimes, the symptoms that arise are also accompanied by flatulence, loss of appetite, fever, and stomach cramps.
Why Can Someone Get Bali belly?
The condition of Bali’s belly is usually caused by a virus, which is present in contaminated food and water. Based on the identification results, the most common viruses that cause this occurrence are Rotavirus and Norovirus. Apart from viruses, Bali’s belly is also usually caused by bacterial infections that contaminate food as well. The bacteria commonly found in this case are E. coli, Salmonella, to Campylobacter. The virus or bacteria enter the body through food contamination. Well, considering that the activity of trying local food is something that cannot be missed when traveling, it is not impossible that someone can get a Bali’s belly. This risk factor is quite high considering Indonesia’s tropical and humid climate, thus making the growth of bacteria in food faster. Not only that, but if the storage, processing, and serving of food are carried out without paying attention to good and correct hygiene standards, the risk of spreading bacteria will be greater. For that, as a tourist, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the tips below.
How to Avoid Bali’s Belly
For those of you who want to visit the Island of the Gods Bali, you should understand how to avoid Bali’s belly. Then how to avoid Bali’s belly? Here are some steps you can take to avoid Bali’s belly.
Pay attention to drinking water
The first thing you need to do to avoid Bali’s belly is to pay attention to drinking water. As long as you are on the island of Bali, you should consume bottled drinking water or bottled drinking water. In addition, if you order a drink, it should be without ice to avoid the risk of ice cubes made from unsterilized water.
Maintain cleanliness
The next thing you need to do to avoid Bali’s belly is to keep it clean. While you are in Bali, you should regularly wash your hands using soap in running water or you can also use the antiseptic liquid. You must wash your hands, especially before eating. Also, if you want to wash fruit or vegetables, avoid using tap water.
Pay attention to food
You also need to pay attention to the food you consume while on vacation on the Island of the Gods. During your vacation, you should choose fresh or freshly cooked food and try to avoid fast food. Also, avoid consuming undercooked meat.
Use clean tools
In addition to paying attention to the food consumed, you also need to pay attention to the tools used to eat. When you want to eat, make sure the cutlery is clean and dry. If the cutlery is wet and not clean, you should avoid using the utensil.
Preparing medicines
The last way to avoid Bali’s belly is to prepare medicines. Especially for those of you who have a history of digestive problems, you should consult a doctor. You can prepare drugs or supplements to prevent the virus from entering the body. Thus an explanation of Bali belly and tips that you can pay attention to prevent it. Culinary tourism cannot be missed. However, you can increase your vigilance and caution in choosing where to eat or the food you eat.