Do you know what the 7 warning signs of dengue fever are? You need to be aware of these 7 warning signs of dengue fever because the 7 warning signs of dengue fever develop quickly and are very difficult to detect in the early stages.

Dengue fever, or dengue fever, is a disease caused by the dengue virus carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This disease spreads quickly, and millions of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever infection worldwide yearly.

And this time, Puri Medical will invite you to recognize the 7 warning signs of dengue fever worldwide that you need to know.

The 7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever You Should Know

Dengue fever is a severe disease and can be life-threatening if not treated quickly. For this reason, we must understand the seven warning signs of dengue fever so that we recognize the warning signs of dengue fever and can provide help quickly if the 7 warning signs of dengue fever appear. So, what are the seven warning signs of dengue fever that we must know?

#1. High Fever that Doesn’t Go Away

If the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees Celsius, this is the most common symptom, and this fever can be sudden or often last for several days. If you or your family have a high fever that doesn’t go away, immediately go to the nearest hospital.

#2. Severe Joint and Muscle Pain

The following symptom is joint and muscle pain. If you have dengue fever you will feel excruciating joint and muscle pain where you will feel the joints being crushed. This pain will get worse day by day.

#3. Stubborn Skin Rashes

Dengue fever often causes a characteristic skin rash. 7 warning signs of dengue fever are usually the appearance of a red skin rash that looks like measles. The rash usually appears after several days of madness and often appears on the face, arms, legs, and chest. If you or your family have signs of this kind of rash, don’t ignore it; immediately consult a doctor.

#4. Bleeding from the Gums or Nose

Unnatural bleeding, such as gum or nose bleeding that is difficult to stop, are seven warning signs of dengue fever that you must be aware of. This happens because the dengue virus can damage the walls of blood vessels and cause internal bleeding that may not be visible immediately. So, if you or your family experience this kind of bleeding, don’t let it happen. Immediately seek medical help so that it can be treated quickly.

#5. Nausea and Vomiting

7 warning signs of dengue fever that you need to be aware of are severe nausea, often followed by vomiting. Due to frequent, prolonged, and severe vomiting, you can lose fluids, so your body becomes seriously dehydrated. Therefore, it is vital to stay well hydrated and immediately seek medical attention if nausea and vomiting persist.

#6. Bloating and Abdominal Pain

A person suffering from dengue fever will experience flatulence and severe abdominal pain. Flatulence and abdominal pain are seven warning signs of dengue fever that you need to pay attention to, and this occurs because of inflammation in the stomach and digestive organs. This pain can be sharp and intense and requires immediate medical attention.

#7. Extreme Weakness and Fatigue

The last 7 warning signs of dengue fever are extreme weakness and fatigue. If you have dengue fever, you will feel very weak and tired. This weakness can be so intense that you may have difficulty moving or getting out of bed. Unreasonable fatigue is another dengue fever warning sign to look out for. 

read more article Understanding Dengue Fever Symptoms in Children

So, what are the 7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever in Children?

The dengue fever in children are almost the same as the warning signs of dengue fever that were previously explained. However, several warning signs of dengue fever are slightly different, and you need to be aware of, namely:

#1. Pain Behind the Eyes

One of the 7 warning signs of dengue fever in children is pain behind the eyes. Your child may complain of pain in this area, and this could be an indication that there is a severe infection.

#2. Loss of appetite

Dengue fever can affect your child’s digestive system, resulting in vomiting and loss of appetite. If vomiting is left unchecked, it will cause dehydration and loss of appetite. Accompanied by vomiting are seven warning signs of dengue fever that you need to be aware of.

#3. Decreased Platelet Levels

Blood tests can reveal decreased platelet levels, a typical sign of dengue fever. Platelets are a blood component necessary for blood clotting; a decrease in them can mean a higher risk of bleeding.

Prevention to Avoid Warning Signs of Dengue Fever and Treatment

Knowing how to prevent and treat this disease is essential now that we’ve discussed the warning signs of dengue fever. To prevent dengue fever, you can avoid it by taking steps such as keeping your surroundings clean, using mosquito nets while sleeping, and wearing clothes that protect you from mosquito bites.

If you or your child experiences symptoms of dengue fever, it is vital to seek immediate medical care. The doctor will perform blood tests to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Intravenous fluid therapy and intensive medical treatment may be necessary in severe cases.

Are you experiencing Symptoms of Dengue Fever? Could you get checked at Puri Medical?

People should give immediate attention to dengue fever. By recognizing warning signs such as high fever that does not subside, pain behind the eyes, skin rashes, bleeding, joint and muscle pain, nausea and vomiting, and decreased platelet counts, we can be more alert to this disease. Prevention through controlling mosquito populations and appropriate personal protective measures is crucial in preventing the spread of dengue fever.

If you, your family, or your child experience these symptoms, please contact Puri Medical. We are a trusted medical center ready to provide the best service. Our experienced doctors can communicate fluently in English, ready to help you 24 hours daily. Your health is our priority, and we will provide the best care to ensure a speedy and safe recovery. Contact Puri Medical now for professional and high-performance treatment.

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