It cannot be denied that Coronavirus (COVID-19) become a significant problem that has not yet ended. No matter how hard you try, no one can escape the risk of COVID-19 exposure in Bali. For those of you, travellers who are in Bali indeed ask whether Bali is safe? How was the last condition of COVID-19 in Bali?
Well, sorry to say, Bali is indeed not safe to explore at this time. Those of you who are still in Bali, you should stay where you live, while practising social distancing. Following proper hygiene and isolation procedures can minimize the spread of the virus.
Stay connected with a doctor on call in Bali is also one of the preventive measures you can take. There are many international standard medical facilities in Bali that you can trust. However, you still need to know what precautions you need to consider when travelling to Bali.
What is the current Coronavirus situation in Bali?
Indonesia is currently at level 3 in the COVID-19 risk assessment, with 135 confirmed cases in Bali. Previously, two foreign nationals were declared dead due to COVID-19 in Bali. So, to make sure you stay safe and minimize the risk of contracting the virus, stay alert and take the initiative to isolate yourself.
Let’s together maintain social distance and reduce physical contact to even the spread curve of disease. If you have ever met or made physical contact with a suspected COVID-19, it is strongly recommended to isolate yourself for 14 days.
Things to do during self-quarantine
Check your travel and health insurance
If you are on holiday in Bali before the Coronavirus outbreak and are still stuck in Bali, your insurance may still apply. Confirm the coverage you have with the travel provider to determine whether COVID-19 issues will be covered. In Bali, many medical facilities accept insurance from travellers. Most of them are clinics in the Canggu area.
Don’t panic buying
Excessive worry makes some people empty the store shelves to buy various daily necessities. Don’t do that, panic-buying results in scarcity of stock. There are still many people who need the goods you want to buy. Just buy what you need in moderation.
Listen to medical advice.
As far as possible, stay updated on the news from the WHO and the CDC. You can also request information with a doctor on call in Bali. Look for medical services that provide the best doctor consulting services.
Wear a face mask
Disposable medical masks may be difficult to find now. You can wear a homemade cloth mask. Fabric masks made from cotton cloth are safe enough to protect the respiratory tract from exposure to small invisible particles.
Moreover, Coronavirus is large enough for the size of the virus. A fabric mask that is layered can dispel Coronavirus from sticking to the surface of your face, mouth and nose. You also have to wear a mask when you have to leave the house to fulfil essential things, in public places, or when you are sick.
Online shopping and delivery service
Shopping using an online platform is the right solution when you have to reduce physical contact with others. You can also choose a delivery service when buying food and drinks. Choosing a delivery service is much safer than having to leave the house and meet people.