According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes is the leading cause of kidney dysfunction and the seventh responsible for death in the US. The importance of recognizing this chronic disease as a worldwide concern is now celebrated every November 14 as World Diabetes Day. Do you know that people with type 1 diabetes survive their life by taking insulin on a daily basis? The sad part is yes they do have to get their insulin dose every day. Learn the dangers of diabetes and how to detect the early signs of diabetes in the following.
Knowing the risk of diabetes does not only save you but can also help others around you that might not realize they’re living with the disease. The sooner you can notice the symptoms, the faster they can get proper medical intervention.
What Exactly Is Diabetes?
Diabetes occurs when your body can’t produce a sufficient amount of insulin to convert your food into energy. The way the body processes your food into a source of energy is by breaking it up into simple sugar or glucose. Then it will flow to your bloodstream. The major part of insulin in this case is that it reacts to the pancreas which is signaling that there’s an increased level of your blood sugar. Sugar shouldn’t stay too long in your bloodstream. This is where your insulin plays a key role in transferring the glucose to your cells so they can eventually use it as energy.
What happens when you have diabetes is your pancreas can’t quite fulfill that vital part; it can’t secrete insulin. The next thing might complicate and scare you even more if it is left untreated, from heart disease, blindness, to kidney failure. The patients should have insulin every single day to enable normal body function. They also have to manage their blood sugar level.
However, the real question comes down to how aware are you to tell that you catch the early signs of diabetes?
Before Finding out the Early Signs of Diabetes – Learn these Types of Diabetes
There are three of the most common types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, as well as a certain kind of diabetes that might befall the pregnant women we call gestational diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes patients can’t produce insulin at all
In type 1 diabetes, the patient cannot make insulin because their immune system prevents the beta cells to produce insulin in the pancreas. It mistakes the beta cells to some serious threat to the body and thus, destroys them. There is no exact response regarding how this autoimmune reaction actually develops. The reaction of genetics to a certain kind of virus might have something to do with it but there’s not quite strong proof to identify the cause. As far as our concerned, people with type 1 diabetes are usually those who are at a very young age. The symptoms of the disease also advance very fast. They practically have to take a daily dose of insulin for their entire life to avoid complications.
Type 2 diabetes patients cannot produce enough insulin and their body does not respond very well to make the insulin function like how it is supposed to
This is what commonly occurs to most people of all ages. The indication of this type is also presumed to be an unhealthy lifestyle besides genetic factors. Further research is still necessary to test out the truth. Because the body is still able to create insulin but can’t use it well, type 2 diabetes is somewhat more preventable than the former. However, it will require a change of lifestyle and for the patients to take more care of their blood sugar. People might not notice they are suffering from diabetes unless they manage to get their blood sugar checked for early signs of diabetes. Unlike type 1 diabetes, the symptoms in type 2 progress gradually. They would often realize they have the disease until they develop complications.
If Your Child Is Prone to Obese, It Might Indicate One of the Early Signs of Diabetes Too – Gestational Diabetes
Women in their pregnancy can be vulnerable to catching gestational diabetes. The cycle ends once they have delivered their baby. However, your child will be very likely to be obese and their chance to catch type 2 diabetes is also very high.
Watch Out for These Early Signs of Diabetes!
The early signs of diabetes for type 1 and type 2 are identical but the time frame of the progress is much slower in type 2 diabetes. Some of the symptoms are:
- Unconscious weight drop
- Emotional roller coaster; it’s easy for the patients of diabetes to go through a change of emotions
- Continually urinate
- Extreme thirst and hunger
- An unceasing feeling of worn-out
- Horrible eyesight
- Blisters don’t recover decently
Based on a scientific journal by American Diabetes Association, it is also found that patients with diabetes are also prone to numbness and a sharp pins and needles sensation due to the lack of glucose control.
Read More: Oral Health and Diabetes Mellitus
Detect the Early Signs of Diabetes Saves Life
If you have a family history with type 1 and 2 diabetes, you are at a greater likelihood of developing the disease. Don’t fret; our medical care Bali is always happy to help you. We give the assistance you need especially in spotting the symptoms and carefully providing excellent treatment at Puri Medical Clinic. This is so you can live your best life ever. Contact our clinic in Bali at +(62)85-100-103-103