This is Puri Tips on what to expect during your Covid-19 Jab and after what we know so far The discovery of the Covid-19 vaccines is a lifetime wonder especially after what we heard regarding the spike of cases happening in India for the last few months. There are various kinds of vaccines developed by…

Check out puri tips on the rule of thumb to follow prior to your shot for the Covid-19 vaccine. As of Monday on May 2021, the distribution of Covid-19 has administered about 24,826,221 doses. More than 5, 5% of the Indonesian population had acquired at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. For those who…

Until now turning to three last months of 2020 there is no vaccine available that can prevent the spread of coronavirus. Many issues spread in society are rife with myths and misconceptions surrounding all aspects of COVID-19. One speculation that takes much attention is the issue that claims pneumonia vaccine can help against the COVID-19…

Now, the world has been stirred up by the appearance of the coronavirus which has also reached Indonesia and Bali. The spread of the coronavirus today not only comes from foreigners anymore but it is already caused by local transmission. Many preventive ways were implemented by the local government and the good news is Bali…

Vaccines are like weapons that help boost the immune system. Vaccination is generally done to stimulate antibody cells. These antibodies fight against dangerous organisms such as viruses, bacteria, and germs that enter our bodies. They are tasked to recognize every organism that enters the body. If the organism is dangerous, antibodies will automatically fight it….