10 Ways to Keep Healthy Habits

Are you feeling guilty for not being able to take care of yourself more because of work? It might be understandable that we feel sluggish after our 9 to 5 routine in a five-day week. There is nothing you wanted to do but let yourself gravitate to your bed and slack off. However, there comes…

Tips to Boost Your Immune System Naturally by Puri Medical Clinic in Bali

Keeping your body in its prime state requires a boost especially when you have loads of work to do. Things do get hard amid the pandemic, even to go outside now. It’s better not to when you are feeling under the weather or you’ll risk yourself being exposed to the hazardous virus that you might…

Sometimes it is difficult for us to carry out normal activities on an empty stomach. This is because you have to adjust your new eating schedule on fasting days. Furthermore, you have to include absent drinking and eating for 12-13 hours that lasts to 30 days. Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims so it…

Include these best food for suhoor to maximize your fasting power The holy month of Ramadan is the moment when the Al-Qur’an was first revealed. Carrying out the Ramadan procession is considered an obligation when Islamic devotees will undergo a series of religious acts. Doing good deeds and fasting are some of them. In Indonesia,…

Understanding OB-GYN OB-GYN stands for obstetrician-gynecologist. This interprets that these healthcare professionals major in two medicine studies.  The term obstetrician refers to a branch of study obstetrics. It is a branch of medicine and surgery concerning women pregnancy, birth delivery, and the new-mother postpartum treatment. Gynecology, on the other hand, relates to the branch of…

A sore throat is a pain, scratchiness, or irritation of the throat that often worsens when you swallow. The most common cause of a sore throat is a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. A sore throat caused by a virus resolves on its own. Strep throat (streptococcal infection), a less common…

Dental Check-up

When was the last time you had a dental check-up? How about the other members of the family? Do the kids understand the importance of having dental exams every year? Even though many of us might think that our teeth are in good shape, regular visits to the family dentist are very important. Regular care and prevention of diseases in the mouth are the best possible care you…


Plaque buildup can gave serious health consequences. The bacteria in plaque create acid by feeding on the sugars in the foods you eat, which can damage your teeth and cause cavities. The bacteria also make toxins that can aggravate your gums, leading to periodontal disease (gum disease).  When plaque on the teeth combines with the…


Having a beautiful smile and healthy teeth must be everyone’s dreaming, which is why good oral hygiene is essential. To be able to have healthy teeth we need to implement a daily care routine to our teeth such as brush twice a day, eat a healthy diet, avoid smoking or use of tobacco, and have…

New Normal

Spend almost three months quarantine at home must be feeling so bored for all of you right? After Indonesia declares to begin New Normal, many people already going out from home. They may go to the office, mall or maybe any other kind of leisure place. It is actually a big decision for our government…

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